Due to the storm, services at 8 am and 10 am are online on Sunday, Feb. 16th. Email Pastor Veronika at Veronika@allsts.org for the link if you have not received our parish emails.
Our Mission
The mission of All Saints' Episcopal Church is to honor our Lord Jesus Christ by practicing our Christian faith through prayer and acts of love and unconditional kindness.
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All Saints' is a warm and welcoming congregation. We are open-minded, curious, fun-loving, devoted, relational. Members of our church reach out within the parish and our communities in a variety of ways. We know that God is not finished with us yet and we seek, through prayer and study, to find the ways to best serve God in one another and the world around us. We offer radical hospitality to the stranger, and infinite respect for all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. All are welcome.
Sunday Holy Eucharist
+ 8:00 am (quiet)
+ 10:00 am (with music)
Monday to Thursday
+ 9:00am to 1:00pm
(the Rector is available 10 am-5 pm by appointment)
+ Office closed. Rector's day off.