Clergy, Staff,
& Parish Leadership

The Rev. Veronika Travis
Veronika is a lifelong Episcopalian, raised by an Episcopal priest and a public speaking professor. This is likely where her love for preaching and showing people Jesus comes from. Her interests include reading history, writing, hiking and playing creative and collaborative games.
Most recently Pastor Veronika served in a collaborative ministry for two parishes in Pennsylvania; Christ Church, Ithan and St. Martin's Church, Radnor. She previously served as the Associate Rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Alexandria, VA, as a lay leader at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Burlington, VT and as a web and marketing specialist.
Veronika earned her BA in Comparative Literature (English & French) from Smith College and her Master in Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary.
She is married to Molly and they share their home in Lancaster with Shadow and Lily, two exuberant mutts!

The Rev. Paul H. Higginson
The Rev. Paul Higginson was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on December 7th, 1991 in the Diocese of Connecticut. His prime area of ministry was working with teenagers. This work was carried out both through teaching carpentry in Connecticut’s Vocational High School system and by co-leading the Wilderness Challenge program at Camp Washington - the summer camp of the Diocese of CT. Liturgically Paul served in numerous parishes in Connecticut including St. Mark’s, Storrs, St Paul’s, Woodbury and St John’s, New Milford.
Paul, and his wife Sheelagh, moved to New Hampshire in 2003 and has served as an All Saints' deacon since then.

The Rev. Lisa Beausoleil

Jim Roan
Organist & Choir Director
Jim Roan is Organist and Choir Director at All Saints'. He was officially appointed September 1, 2019. Jim studied piano and organ at Boston Conservatory of Music. He served in various parishes of the Archdiocese of Boston as Director of Music Ministries and Liturgy for some 36 years. In 2006, it was time for a change and Jim left parish ministry and spent the next 9 years teaching elementary music.
Jim and his wife, Cathy, moved to Littleton in 2015. They joined All Saints' Parish in the Spring of 2017 and were officially welcomed into the Episcopal faith on March 17, 2019. They are happy to be a part of the parish family of All Saints'.
Lisa lives in Littleton with her husband Bret and pets, Justice and Iona. Lisa and Bret raised their children Meg, a nurse practioner and Ryan, a police officer in this area and even though they are now adults, they remain local.
After many years of searching, Lisa found her home in the Episcopal Church and specifically found a warm and welcoming community at All Saints'.
Lisa felt called to serve God as a deacon, and began her studies in 2021. She was ordained at St. Paul's in Concord on June 10, 2023. She returned to All Saints' in February to serve as Deacon and you will most often see Lisa in action at the 8:00am service.

Verna White
Administrative Assistant
Verna retired in November 2015 after 30 years
with the NH Department of Transportation as an Administrative Secretary. She has three grown
and married children; two sons and a daughter,
and five grandchildren.
Verna says that "although I enjoy retirement immensely, I decided to return to the workforce
on a part time basis to give my life some purpose and to keep my brain from turning to mush."
meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm
Hybrid meeting | in-person or Zoom
Presiding Officer: The Rev. Veronika Travis
Senior Warden: Barbara Buckley
Junior Warden: Anthony Rodrigues
Clerk: Ellen Rowe
Treasurer: Suzanne Hopgood
Members at Large:
Kristen Arnold
Brian Cook
Mike Scheltmeyer
Robin St. Germain
Paul Thorndike
Bonnie Wyvill
Delegates to Convention/Convocation
Barbara Buckley
Gail Kimball
Mary Sturtevant