Be Baptized, Confirmed or Received
Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception are the rites by which persons are received into membership in the Church Universal and the Episcopal Church. We are delighted when someone is ready to take such a step on his or her faith journey.
Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as God’s children and makes us members of Christ’s body, the Church, and inheritors of the Kingdom of God. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 858) Baptism is open to all ages and is preceded by a series of meetings to prepare the candidate or parents and godparents. Baptisms are done on Sunday mornings as part of one of the Sunday services when the congregation is present. There are specific Sundays during the church year that are especially compatible with the Rite of Baptism: January- Celebration of the Baptism of Jesus, Epiphany Sunday, Easter Vigil/Easter Day, Pentecost and All Saints Sunday (Book of Common Prayer, p. 312). Baptisms are not done during Lent. The Episcopal Church accepts baptisms done in other denominations who use the outward and visible sign of water in which the person is baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
"Private" baptisms are not the custom of the church since Baptism is not only a confession of faith and promises about that faith, but it is equally a rite of incorporation into the faith community where the candidate/parents actively worship. Exceptions can be made, of course, when a person is close to death and desires to be baptized.
Persons interested in being baptized or having an infant or child baptized should contact the church office by email or by telephone (603.444.3414) to make an appointment to speak with our Rector about the process.
Confirmation and Reception
Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit though prayer and laying on of hands by a bishop. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 860) This is done for any individual who was baptized as a child and is now prepared to make an adult commitment to Jesus Christ.
Reception into the Episcopal Church is done in the same service as Confirmation and is also done with the laying on of hands by a bishop. Those who are coming from another denomination with bishops in the apostolic succession and want to be formally received into the Episcopal Church as active members are welcome to make an appointment with the Rector. Newcomer classes are usually offered as preparation for this step in a person’s faith formation.
Reaffirmation by a church member is offered to those who have experienced a renewal or strengthening of their faith that has made a significant difference in how they live out their Christian faith. Reaffirmation is also offered in the same service as Confirmation and Reception not the Episcopal Church with the laying on of hands by a bishop.
Persons interested in being confirmed, received or reaffirmed should contact the church office through the contact form by clicking here, or by telephone (603.444.3414) to make an appointment to speak with our Rector about the process.