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We are in the search process! We have prepared these pages for prospective candidates to learn about our parish and what we are looking for in our next rector. 



Prayer for the search for our next rector

V: Lord, you are our Shepherd.

R: You guide us and revive our souls.

V: You spread a table before us,

R: That we may dwell in your house forever.

Let us pray.

Gracious and loving God, giver of hope:

embrace us and guide us in our search for our new rector.
Open our hearts and minds.
Grant us courage to know what is best for our parish, not for ourselves alone.
Make straight the path for a godly, wise and prayerful priest to find us;
one who will inspire and shepherd us to a closer relationship with you,
that we may see your vision for the Church of the future
and have the grace and power to get there.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Our Parish & Community

All Saints’ Church is a strong faith community devoted to God and to each other. Our church is located in Littleton, New Hampshire and embraces membership of around 100 households and 130 individuals. As for Littleton, the population is approximately 6000 and that number swells considerably in summer, and some area visitors attend services at All Saints’. Situated at the northern edge of the beautiful White Mountains, Littleton is an attractive location for shopping, outdoor activities, and many opportunities for art and music. Our parish is within walking distance of our charming main street. 

Our church is in great shape, inside and out, thanks to a vigilant rector and Building and Grounds Committee. Financially, we are on very solid ground due to prudent management. It is worth noting that we balanced the budget in 2022 and ended with a surplus. 


Warm and welcoming describes All Saints’ Church, beginning with weekly coffee hours on Sunday and year-round social activities. Our membership is diverse and comes from many local towns within a 30 mile radius of Littleton. All are truly welcome. 

Outreach & Inreach

  • Book Groups

  • Card Ministry

  • Centering Prayer

  • ChIPs (Children of Incarcerated Persons)

  • Community Cares Committee

  • Creation Care Committee

  • Dinner Bell

  • Eucharistic Visitors

  • Food Cupboard

  • Inquirer's Classes

  • Kids' Little Free Library

  • Men's Breakfast

  • Newcomers Luncheon

  • Pastoral Care Committee

  • Prayer Shawls

  • Scripture Studies

  • Sunday Coffee Hour

  • Toys for Tots

  • United Thank Offering

  • Women's Seasonal Luncheons

  • Women's Night Out

  • Wreath Project Fundraiser

  • Youth & Young Families/YES!


Quick Facts

  • We have one priest and one deacon
  • We are lucky to have half a dozen retired clergy, including a bishop, all of whom love retirement, understand their place, but are happy to help

  • Average Sunday attendance is 65

  • About 77 households pledge

  • Our 2023 budget is $244,000

  • Endowment is $1,222,000 (all investments at the end of December 2022)


Our Vision for the Future

  • Continue and expand the spiritual nourishment and sense of sanctuary that is pervasive at All Saints’ Church. 

  • Help facilitate bringing people to Jesus and intentionally remove obstacles.

  • Build upon our reputation as a loving, accepting, caring, welcoming, non-judgmental worship community.

  • Grow and diversify our All Saints’ Church.

    • Both inter-parish and community-wide; invite everyone, including the marginalized, forgotten and sometimes threatened folks in our community and the community at large to be welcome and safe.

    • Strengthen intergenerational ministries and programming. 

    • Continue and expand our strong partnerships with outside community initiatives

    • Provide opportunities for lay leadership

  • ​Examine and advance our uses of communication outlets and technology.

The Rector We Hope For

  • A priest who is grounded in a prayer life that informs all they do

  • A priest who is an active and good listener

  • A priest who is spiritually fulfilling and compassionate and who makes each congregant
    look forward to being in this hous

  • A priest who is inclusive and fun

  • A priest who is eager to embrace technology and the mandate to care for our creation 

  • A priest who is willing and able to think outside the box and look for solutions when
    faced with challenges

  • A priest with experience leading a growing parish and who is financially responsible

  • A priest who is excited about developing connections in the community outside the parish

  • A leader who will remove the obstacles for those seeking the Lord

  • A priest with an artful touch between comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable

The Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire


The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire comprises 48 congregations from Colebrook to Nashua, Claremont to Portsmouth. We are discovering God's mission in the world and listening to what God calls us to challenge and confront anew. We do this work in churches, communities, forests, on mountaintops, and on the sea.

Diocesan Purpose Statement

Our purpose is to claim the power of God's love in our life - in our worship, learning, and service - as we are the love and joy of Jesus Christ with others.


Diocesan Mission

The mission of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Hampshire is initiated and empowered by the baptismal covenant with Almighty God through which its members have been incorporated into the Body of Christ and are led by the Holy Spirit – in their congregations and communities, through their institutions and as persons, in their worship and in their lives:

to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ;

to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves;

to strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being.

To learn more about this opportunity contact Canon Tina Pickering, Canon to the Ordinary, at the Diocesan Office.

Our Mission

The mission of All Saints' Episcopal Church is to honor our Lord Jesus Christ by practicing our Christian faith through prayer and acts of love and unconditional kindness.
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