All Saints Episcopal Church
Littleton, NH
Transition Team Updates Archive
Most weeks the Transition Team will be sharing an update in the weekly parish email. Below are our archived messages which we hope will keep you informed of our progress.
Update from Transition Team – 4/20/2023
In the last two weeks, the transition team has completed a first round of interviews with two candidates. We are hoping to call one of the candidates for a second interview and are working through the process in conjunction with the Diocese. We remain open to receiving any new applications the Diocese may send to us. We are grateful for the continued prayers from our Parish community.
Transition Team Update 3/9/2023 – Jim Roan
Last week, in preparation for interviewing prospective rector candidates , we held a “mock” interview with a priest who volunteered to assist us. This was to help us determine our best approach as we prepare for the real interviews. After feedback from our “candidate” and discussion amongst the team, we were able to finalize our approach. Now we wait for Canon Tina Pickering to send any prospective candidates our way.
Come one come all! A Spring Clean-up has been scheduled for Sunday, March 26 after the 10am service from approximately 11:30-1:30. There will be lots of different chores to assist with inside the buildings. Please stay tuned for details. If you are interested in being a helper please email Verna at and she will be compiling a list of interested volunteers
Transition update – 2/9/2023 – Terri Fillion
A reminder to all to continue to share out the Rector Search Networking Statement-
Rector position, full time, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Littleton, New Hampshire.
All Saints’ is a Spirit-filled, prayerful, forward—thinking congregation. We love one another as Christ loves us and we act on our faith in God. All Saints’ is well known for our ministry in Littleton and beyond. All Saints’ is a strong faith community with dedicated leadership and active participation by parishioners. We are located in an idyllic yet strategic setting, in a walkable downtown, in an amazing state; skiing, hiking, biking and other outdoor activities abound, as well as opportunities for arts and music.
We are seeking a rector who is grounded in a prayer life that informs all they do, is inclusive, fun, an engaging preacher and experienced administrator
Please visit the Rector Search pages on our website at
To learn more about this opportunity contact Tina Pickering, Canon to the Ordinary, at the Episcopal Diocese of NH (email
· The Transition Team met with Canon Tina yesterday for guidance around the interviewing process and to address concerns around the dangers of implicit biases as we recognize that we need to be careful throughout this process.
· The team is currently developing the questions that will be used to interview candidates and the rubric to evaluate answers.
Transition Team-- Mary Louise Formisano - 2/1/2023
The Transition Team gave an excellent report at our Annual Meeting on Sunday. One of the things they referred to was the brief 'Networking Statement' that was developed for you to send to anyone you know around the country who might be interested, or who might have clergy friends to share the announcement with. As Bishop Dorsey said, in his tenure as Bishop, many parishes found just the right priest through word of mouth! Cut and paste the statement below and send to friends.....
Rector Search Networking Statement
Rector position, full time, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Littleton, New Hampshire.
All Saints’ is a Spirit-filled, prayerful, forward-thinking congregation. We love one another as Christ loves us and we act on our faith in God. All Saints’ is well known for our ministry in Littleton and beyond. All Saints’ is a strong faith community with dedicated leadership and active participation by parishioners. We are located in an idyllic yet strategic setting, in a walkable downtown, in an amazing state; skiing, hiking, biking and other outdoor activities abound, as well as opportunities for arts and music.
We are seeking a rector who is grounded in a prayer life that informs all they do, is inclusive, fun, an engaging preacher and experienced administrator.
Please visit the Rector Search pages on our website
To learn more about this opportunity contact Tina Pickering, Canon to the Ordinary, at the Episcopal Diocese of NH | email:
Transition Team Update – 1/26/2023 - Mary Louise Formisano
The Transition Team has met for nine weeks and has diligently worked in consultation with Canon Tina Pickering (Canon to the Ordinary) who oversees the search/transition process for the diocese. We are so appreciative of our community's input which continues to inform the process.
We are pleased to announce the completion of our website pages dedicated to the Rector search process. Our objectives are to inform prospective Rector candidates about All Saints’ Church, our search and process, and to serve as a source to keep parishioners informed of our progress.
Please check out these links:
Home page you will see a menu option for Rector Search where you will find About Our Parish and Search Info For Parishioners.
We will also be updating a dedicated bulletin board in Parish Hall regularly with information about the search process.
The Transition Team will be making a presentation about the search process and answering your questions at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 29 after the 10:00am service. We hope to see you there. If you are unable to attend we encourage you to review the webpages and our bulletin board. If you would like to consult with anyone on the team please alert the Church office and one of us will reach out to you. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Transition Team Update – 1/19/2023 - Sheelagh Higginson
The team continues to meet weekly and is making great progress. Yesterday we met via Zoom with Canon Tina Pickering (Canon to the Ordinary) who oversees the search/transition process for the diocese.
By the end of our meeting we had completed our first two major tasks; finalizing our TMC (Transition Ministry Conference) and OTM (Office of Transition Ministry) profiles. Canon Tina will be posting our TMC profile so that her counterparts across the country are aware of our vacancy. Our OTM profile, which is a more public document that helps match us with potential candidates, will also be posted soon. Next steps include the diocese receiving applications and, after pre-screening, suitable candidates will be forwarded to the Transition Team for consideration.
To coincide with our two profiles being published we will also ‘go live’ with two search related website pages. In addition we have created a website page to help keep parishioners informed of our progress. Once we go live we will share the links so that you can take a peek.
The Transition Team will be making a presentation and answering your questions at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 29 after the 10:00am service. We hope to see you there.
If you have served on a Search Committee / Transition Team you know that this is an intense experience. Your team is dedicated and focussed, and in true All Saints' spirit is carrying out their work prayerfully, and with grace and much humor. Thank you for your continued prayers for this process.
Transition Team Update – 1/12//2023 - Terri Fillion
The team was able to complete the answers to the four questions for the Transition Ministry Conference presentation with input from Bishop Dorsey. Canon Tina Pickering will use our answers when she is meeting with her counterparts from around the country in March.
Canon Tina was able to announce to that same group this week via Zoom that All Saints’ is in the search process. Our intention is to finalize our answers to the twelve Office of Transition Ministry questions at our next meeting with input from Canon Tina. It is also our intention to craft something from our answers to all these questions that can be shared by anyone and that will help us in the search process. All Saints’ web site has been reviewed and is being updated. You can look for the new and improved version very soon. Thank you to Sheelagh for her hard work on that. Members of the team are planning to make a presentation and host a question-and-answer session at the upcoming annual meeting on January 29.
The Transition Team continues to meet weekly. They met with Canon Pickering and reviewed the 4 Transition Ministry Conference questions and the 12 Office of Transition questions and she gave her blessing to our responses as we near completion. We are reviewing the All Saints’ web page to include this information and to give the parish a timeline for the entire process and how we proceed to attract candidates and the interview process.
12/5/2022 Transition Team
The Transition Team is diligently working through the initial steps of the process to find our next Rector. One of our early tasks is to identify our strengths, challenges, and vision for the future as well as determining the skills and gifts we consider essential in future leadership.
Click here to complete the survey online.
If you prefer, you can pick up a paper copy of the survey in church. Another option is to speak directly with a Transition Team member - there is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Room or send an email to Verna (Parish Admin Assistant) at and request a phone call. Please provide your feedback by Sunday, December 11.
Our thanks.
The Transition Team
Barbara Buckley, Mike Claflin, Terri Fillion, Mary Louise Formisano, Sheelagh Higginson, Gina Kuzmeskus, Paul Lister, Jim Roan, Mary Sturtevant and advisor - Dorsey McConnell