All Saints Episcopal Church
Littleton, NH
First time in an Episcopal Church?
Here’s a quick guide to what to expect when you worship with us
Arriving and Entering
8:00 am service
Typically, there is no usher at this service. You are invited to pick-up a service bulletin from the table as you enter the Nave (the main body of the church, where the congregation sits.) The offertory/ collection plate is also located on this table and offerings may be dropped in the plate as you enter.
10:00 am service
You will be greeted by an usher, given a service bulletin and directed into the Nave.
Upon entering, you may notice some people kneeling in their pew, praying in personal preparation for worship. Some will also bow to the altar upon entering and leaving the church as an act of reverence for Christ. Do what feels comfortable for you. While complete silence is not expected, some people do appreciate quiet for personal prayer before the service.
The Service
Our two Sunday services are both Eucharistic (Communion) services. If you have questions about Communion and how to receive, please speak with the priest. Much of what we do in the service is written out in the bulletin. To reduce our use of paper, sometimes you will be directed to the Book of Common Prayer by page number. These are red, have a gold cross on them and are also available in large print.
Our 8:00 am service includes Bible readings, prayers, a sermon and Holy Communion. There is no music included in our 8:00 am service.
Our 10:00 am service includes Bible readings, prayers, a sermon and Holy Communion. Music is an integral part of our 10:00 am service and includes congregational singing, instrumental music and, on occasion, choral music by an ad hoc choir.
We use the order of service from the Book of Common Prayer or additional authorized worship texts. The Book of Common Prayer is unique to Anglicanism (of which the Episcopal Church is a part) and it is “common prayer” because all Anglicans pray it together, around the world in slightly different versions. The first Book of Common Prayer was compiled in English by Thomas Cranmer in the 16th Century, and since then has undergone many revisions for different times and places. The present prayer book for the Episcopal Church was published in 1979. Its original purpose has remained the same: to guide us in worship and prayer. It also describes the main beliefs of the Church, outlines the sacraments of the church, and in general serves as the main guidelines of an Episcopal community.
Members of the congregation are invited to participate in the service and directions can be found in the service bulletin, with frequent references (by page number) to the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal. Not sure when to stand or sit/kneel? Follow the cues given by those around you or do what feels comfortable to you. There is no “right” or “wrong” way.
Holy Communion
Everyone, no matter who they are or where they have come from, is welcome to worship with us. All baptized persons are invited to receive Communion at All Saints. All who are present are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Please contact the Rector if you would like to know more about Baptism and/or about Communion.
8:00 am service:
As there is no usher at the 8:00 am service just follow those seated in front of you.
10:00 am service:
Sit until the usher signals that it is your turn to stand, exit your pew, line up and walk to the altar rail to receive Communion.
Please feel free to come to the Communion rail even if you don't want to receive Communion. Cross your hands over your chest and the priest will offer you God's blessing instead of giving you the bread. If you want Communion, but are unable to walk to the altar, tell the usher and Communion will be served to you in the pew.
The Communion meal consists of the bread and wine. The “bread” is a communion wafer; gluten-free wafers are available on request at the altar rail. The “wine” is real wine (alcohol); therefore, if you abstain from alcohol, you should decline the wine (though receiving one or both is considered to have received Communion). You are invited to stand or kneel at the altar rail. There are various ways to receive Communion – the most common being that of receiving the bread in your hand (hold out one or both hands palms up), then placing the bread in your mouth; and receiving the wine by guiding the base of the chalice as you drink. An intinction cup is available for those for whom receiving by chalice is difficult, this is not a recommended practice for avoiding illness. If you have health concerns about receiving the cup, the best option is to receive only the bread.
Gluten allergies:
Gluten-free Communion wafers are available at all Eucharist services. Just request one from the priest.
After the Service
At the end of the service some people kneel for a private prayer before leaving. Others sometimes sit to listen to the organ postlude. The priest will greet you after removing her vestments. At 8 am, most people depart soon after the service. Directly following our 10:00 am service, we invite you to join us for coffee hour, a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Room. Just follow the crowd!